What is Mindful Culture? Conference 2022
This year’s Sussex Mindfulness Centre conference explores mindfulness culture bringing a clinical and appreciative perspective.
The conference talks and workshops explore how organisations can cultivate a mindful culture in a complex and uncertain world. Whether we work in healthcare, education, politics or at grassroots community level, we look at what can support compassion and wellbeing and enhance performance. We also consider how we adapt what we offer to meet the needs of diverse groups?
The Sussex Mindfulness Centre offers one of the few annual conferences on mindfulness in Europe. Exploring the emerging issues of the day, it is an important event for all those involved in mindfulness including teachers, trainers, advocates and people completely new to mindfulness.
Keynote speakers include:
- Jane Padmore, Chief Executive, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust: Introduction and Welcome
- Chris Ruane: Creating a mindfulness culture in politics
- Chris Tamdjidi: Transforming our mind, transforming our culture: mindfulness in organisational life
- Professor Willem Kuyken: Is mindfulness based cognitive therapy) coming of age? The story so far and a vision for the future.
- Jacquie Dover and Lyn Koerbel: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction meets anti-racist and decolonial approaches.
The conference takes place Friday 16th September 2022 from 9:30am to 4:30pm
Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton, BN1 1AF