Refresh for Sussex Mindfulness Centre

You may have noticed the Sussex Mindfulness Centre website has undergone a refresh. We have a slightly revised logo, a cleaner, fresher look and a website designed with you, the user, in mind. We hope you like it.

While a lot of thought and effort has gone into the refresh, we were also keen to build on what we had, and what our users and audiences are already familiar with. So we slightly revised our shell logo that symbolises our connection with nature and our location near the sea, to make it work better in social media.

New line drawings and a limited palette of bold colours adorn the main pages. Abstract nature images and pictures of venues will help illustrate our featured events, and we will continute to use gorgeous land and seascapes of Sussex and Brighton and Hove. The website navigation is now more intuitive, so it’s easier to find what you are looking for. The new event listings feature will also help with this. And hugely important to us, is that the new website now exceeds accessibiity standards, so it will be easier to use for people with disabilities. We are committed to continually improving on this.

Over the coming months we will be switching over to the new look through all our communications. We will also be reaching out to you to find out what’s working and what’s not. We’ll use this opportunity to find out what content you most want from us, so we can keep you engaged. In the meantime we’d love to know what you think. Please drop us a line at

Huge thanks to the team who created our website

Huge thanks to our web developer for all of the work moving our website over to WordPress, implemeting the new designs, and making hundreds of big and little changes to improve usability. Special thanks to graphic designer, David Caines, for evolving our logo, developing our visual identity, and creating the lovely line drawings. And thanks to all the volunteers who worked on putting the content into the new website; Hayley Hills, Faylee Kirk and Hannah Andrews.