Make a New Year’s resolution to care for yourself

Those of us in the caring professions can find it hard to take care of ourselves and our own wellbeing. Whether we’re working directly with people suffering from mental health issues, or keeping the offices running and clean, we need to pause from time to time to replenish ourselves.
Free mindfulness courses for Sussex Partnership staff
The Sussex Partnership is one of the few Trusts that provide the NICE-approved eight-week mindfulness courses free to all its staff. There’s a reduced number of new courses starting this January, so be sure to secure your place. Or book on to one of the taster sessions here to explore if mindfulness is for you.
Mindfulness for Life is for everybody
Mindfulness for Life is for everybody to help you flourish and improve your wellbeing. Find out more about this eight week course here or consider doing a taster or shorter midnfulness course if you can’t commit to eight weeks right now.
High workload and external environment takes it toll
Particular stresses caused by staff shortages, increased workload and attending to people who are under extreme duress can take its toll. We are all operating in a difficult environment facing the cost of living crisis, the climate emergency and growing hostilities in the world.
It may feel like there is no time to take stock and to check in on ourselves, and it can feel selfish when others appear to be suffering more. We might be frightened of slowing down in case we can’t cope. But deep inside we know we can’t carry on giving or being effective when we don’t stop to resource ourselves. Self-care is not selfish, it actually helps to improve our wellbeing, and can make us more effective as well.
Make a New Year’s resolution to care for you
So pause, take stock and make it your New Year’s resolution to take care of yourself. As part of that resolve consider if a mindfulness course might be helpful to you. If you are not sure, we have some taster sessions to help you decide…
Find out about our free taster sessions and introductory courses here.
Find out about our free mindfulness courses for Sussex Partnership staff here.
Find out about our next Mindfulness for Life course, starting in February 2024, here.