Mindfulness drop-ins are now open to all NHS staff!

Imagine starting your day feeling calm, and equipped to face challenges with more clarity and resilience. Picture yourself taking a lunch break that helps to rejuvenate you. Our drop-ins offer precisely that—a space to pause, breathe, and reconnect with yourself amidst life’s whirlwind.

So, whether you’re an NHS staff member navigating the frontline of healthcare or you are someone involved behind the scenes, we look forward to welcoming you.

It’s my first day of the week, and starts my week off really well. It sets my head up for the day and helps me find what sort of head space I am in.

Drop-in participant

Why should you consider joining these drop-ins?

Mindfulness isn’t just about calming the busy mind; it’s a holistic approach to mental health. Research has shown that regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, boost mood, and enhance overall wellbeing. In the demanding landscape of healthcare, where burnout rates can be high, cultivating mindfulness can make a big difference in our daily lives.

Lovely to have some space to just be before the day gets going. Love the sharing compassion bit as well.

Drop-in participant

Interesting to feel body senses when you finally have the time to switch off from the craziness of life.

Drop-in participant

Our drop-ins are now open to all NHS staff

Sussex Mindfulness Centre drop-ins are now open to all NHS staff across the UK whether or not you have done an eight-week mindfulness course or have a regular mindfulness practice. The drop-ins are also available to staff of the Sussex Health and Care Partnership and anybody else who has done an eight-week mindfulness course with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre.

These mindfulness drop-ins are absolutely free. As most of these sessions take place online via Zoom you can join us from anywhere.

Flexible and convenient

The drop-in sessions are designed to be flexible and convenient for your schedule. On Tuesdays, there’s a monthly lunchtime session for a moment of mindfulness in the middle of the day. Wednesdays offer a weekly morning session for mindfulness with compassion elements. Our monthly Thursday morning sessions are also open to people who have completed our eight-week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy course offered via the NHS. You can find a session to suit you and book here.

I really enjoyed giving kindness to self and then sharing with others

Drop-in participant

Thank you, a wonderful practice and start to the day.

Drop-in participant