About Sussex Mindfulness Centre
We aim to help people improve their wellbeing and mental health, particularly those who are underrepresented or excluded. We do this through mindfulness and compassion teaching, teacher training, evaluation and research, and by supporting organisations to create more compassionate cultures.
Who we are
The Sussex Mindfulness Centre is part of the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. We are the only mindfulness and Mindful Self-Compassion teacher training and research centre embedded in the NHS.
We bring together teachers, teacher trainers and researchers of mindfulness-based approaches. This includes a partnership of Trust staff, experienced researchers at the University of Sussex, and experienced teachers and trainers in the local community. We have good links with local teachers, as well as with trainers and researchers in other mindfulness centres and universities in the UK.
Find out about the team of individuals who make up the Sussex Mindfulness Centre.
What we do
We draw on high-quality training, good governance and existing research evidence to offer high quality mindfulness courses, teacher training and other events.
We offer tailor-made mindfulness programmes and compassionate leadership training to help create happier, healthier workplaces, where staff feel valued and are supported to thrive.
We produce new evidence by developing and evaluating innovative mindfulness approaches, and working with diverse communities that are underrepresented within mainstream NHS services.
Find out more about our mission and vision here.
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