Courses we run

At the Sussex Mindfulness Centre we run the eight-week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Mindfulness for Life and Mindful Self-Compassion courses. We now also offer shorter courses to improve wellbeing, that offer more flexibility for people with less time.

All the courses we run for the public are advertised below at the bottom of this page.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy combines mindfulness with cognitive behavioural therapy. The course helps participants develop greater awareness of their thoughts, emotions and experiences, in order to cultivate resilience and prevent relapse in depression and anxiety. Find out more about Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and our forthcoming courses.

Mindfulness for Life

Mindfulness for Life promotes greater resilience, wellbeing and flourishing. The course supports participants to get the most out of life. Find out more about Mindfulness for Life.

Mindful Self-Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion teaches core principles and practices to enable participants to respond to difficult emotions with care and understanding. Find out more about Mindful Self-Compassion.

Shorter mindfulness courses

We now offer introductory courses and one-off free sessions to give you a flavour of mindfulness. These courses and tasters are informative and practical, and they may help you decide if you want to take mindfulness further. Find out more about shorter mindfulness courses.
