Mindfulness at work

We offer evidence-informed mindfulness programmes for staff and compassionate leadership training for managers. Mindfulness at work can help reduce stress, improve employee wellbeing, performance and mental alertness.

How mindfulness helps in the workplace

Programmes tailored to your needs

We offer a range of workplace programmes to teach you and your staff how to be more mindful at work. And we can further customise our training programmes to meet your needs.

Good employers offer mindfulness

Good employers are providing these tools and techniques to help their employees strengthen their resilience and improve their wellbeing.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that mindfulness should be offered to “all employees…on an ongoing basis.”

Find out more about the effectiveness of mindfulness in the workplace.

We also offer compassionate leadership training to help improve learning, innovation and effectiveness, and reduce staff stress.

Why choose us?

We have been delivering evidence-based mindfulness training since 2004. We now offer bespoke training to meet the needs of organisations like yours. See the workplace programmes we offer.

Don’t take our word for it, see what the Office of National Statistics (ONS) said.

“Working with Sussex Mindfulness Centre to deliver mindfulness to ONS staff has been very positive and a pleasure. The training has been well received…”.

Dr Louisa Blackwell, Demographic Methods Centre, Methodology Group, ONS.

And here’s a comment from a participant on one of our courses.

“I see the way I am now, and the way my life is now, as a testament to the transformative and healing power of mindfulness.”

Participant of an eight-week mindfulness course

Compassionate leadership helps teams too

Compassionate leadership is linked with improved learning and innovation, and reduced staff stress, injuries and absenteeism, and even reduced patient mortality. Find out about our Compassionate Leadership Training.