Sussex Mindfulness Centre conferences

Our conferences form an important part of the UK’s national event calendar. It’s a must-attend event for anybody interested in the latest research, innovations and developments in mindfulness and mindful self-compassion.

Discovering Joy in Troubled Times

“Discovering Joy in Troubled Times” is the theme of our eleventh annual conference, which takes place in Brighton on 9 May 2025. Mark Williams, author of bestselling “Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World” is one of our key note speakers who will help us explore this theme. Find out more and reserve your place here.

Future of Mindfulness

Our last conference, in May 2024 was on the Future of Mindfulness. Many attendees stayed for the all-day retreat the following day. If you missed it, you can read short summaries of the talks and watch the keynote speeches here.

What is Mindful Culture?

The previous conference in March 2023 asked the question “What is mindful culture?” Speakers set out to answer this question. You can get a flavour of the discussions of this conference from this blog post and see some of the keynote presentations here.

Previous conferences

You can find out about previous conferences on this page where some presentations or video recordings of keynotes speakers, such as Caroline Lucas MP, are still available.