Previous conferences
On this page we include details and presentations from previous conferences, starting with the last one.
The Future of Mindfulness
The theme of our last conference, our tenth, was the Future of Mindfulness. Excellent keynote speeches and engaging workshops got us all thinking about the future of mindfulness, the challenges we face and the role we can play. Read more here.
What is Mindful Culture
The theme of our ninth annual conference was ‘mindful culture’; how do you create it and how do you help it to flourish. Our impressive range of speakers helped to answer this question. You can see some of the key note presentations on this page.
Eighth annual conference
The topics explored in this conference included ‘Emerging from COVID’. We also had presentations on extending mindfulness to schools, politics and marginalised groups.
See an introduction to this year’s conference from Robert Marx, Co-Lead of the Sussex Mindfulness Centre (Training and Governance) here.
Seventh annual conference
Jason Gonzalez, Principal Facilitator of The Mindful Leader programme presented on ‘Building a Compassionate Culture in a Competitive Environment’.
Sixth annual conference
See an introduction to this year’s conference from Robert Marx, Training and Governance Lead, and Clara Strauss, Research Lead, below.
To view further workshop and programme details click here.
Fifth annual conference
The fifth annual conference in 2017, explored mindfulness from a critical perspective. We looked at mindfulness practices and culture, with a specific focus on the safety, ethics, and integrity. We had workshops, discussions, and talks led by mindfulness teachers, researchers and service users.
To view some of the conference please click below.