What is Mindful Culture?
An appreciative critical perspective
The theme of this year’s conference was mindful culture; can you create it and how do you help it to flourish. Our impressive range of speakers helped to answer this question. You can see some of the key note presentations on this page.
Ninth annual conference
Our ninth Annual Conference, ‘What is Mindful Culture?’ took place on 10 March 2023. See a short blog post that gives a flavour of the presentations here.
CEO of Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Jane Padmore, speaks about making mindfulness and kindness in work intentional (see below).
Former Shadow Minister for Wales, Chris Ruane, talks on how we can better create a mindful culture in politics.
Chris Tamdjidi, Founder and Managing Director of Awaris, talks about about how we can promote mindfulness in organisational life.
Clara Strauss, Co-Lead (Research) of Sussex Mindfulness Centre, presents the centre’s latest research.
Willem Kuyken, Director of Oxford Mindfulness Foundation, and author of Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology, poses the question, “Is mindfulness coming of age?”