Finding Peace in a Frantic World

This is an eight-week, self-directed, mindfulness course using Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s best-selling book Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, as the basis.

Introduction to mindfulness

This is an introduction to mindfulness and includes mindfulness practices, the evidence behind mindfulness and practical ways to help you spend more time in the present moment.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

This is an eight-week, self-directed, mindfulness course using Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s best-selling book Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, as the basis.

Miracles of mindfulness; working with women refugees

Julia Powell writes about her recent humbling experience co-leading mindfulness for groups of women refugees, asylum seekers and migrants… Lana Jackson and I have just finished co-leading our second ten-week …