Our team

We are the core team of the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, that keeps the show on the road. Together, we develop strategy, deliver courses and training, and conduct research.

Clara Strauss

Clara Strauss

Clara is Co-Lead (Research) for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. She is a consultant clinical psychologist, mindfulness teacher and clinical researcher. In her research, Clara is particularly interested in developing and evaluating new forms of mindfulness-based intervention (MBI), especially for those people who may not be willing or able to access MBCT. Along with other members of her research team, Clara has been evaluating MBIs for people experiencing depression, for people distressed by hearing voices and for people experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This research has also included research with NHS staff, university students and the wider population.

Robert Marx

Robert Marx

Robert is Co-Lead (Training) for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. He is a consultant clinical psychologist and has been involved in running mindfulness groups for staff and patients since 2006. He also trains and supervises others doing mindfulness work. He is interested in relational mindfulness and in adaptations of Mindfulness-based Interventions using compassion practices.

Lara Alvarez Torres

Portrait photo of volunteer Lara Alvarez Torres

Lara is a volunteer with the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. She is also a second year psychology student studying with The Open University.

Lara has a background in teaching and linguistics, and runs a language school in Hastings. Mindfulness and meditation have helped Lara with anxiety, and she now practices daily along with yoga.

Indi Angel

Photo of Indi Angel

Indi supports various projects, and our volunteer Advocates in promoting the benefits of mindfulness, for under-represented patients and carers.

As an EbE – Expert by Experience, she draws on both lived and professional experience. Previously, as a Peer Trainer with the Recovery College, and more recently Quality Improvement and Patient Safety work with SPFT.

Indi is a long-time meditator who enjoys, poetry, world music and Japanese incense. In her spare time, she upcycles textiles and helps fundraise for rescued animals.

Zoe Baty

Zoe Baty

Zoe provides administrative support for the many and varied courses and events offered by the SMC, including the mindfulness masterclasses and the Trust staff 8-week mindfulness groups. She has a background in journalism and events, and is currently studying for an MSc in Psychology through the Open University. A long-time yoga devotee, Zoe is also a recent convert to mindfulness practice and is undertaking the 8-week Trust staff mindfulness course.

Fergal Jones

Fergal Jones

Fergal is the convenor for the teacher training programmes for mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and adapted mindfulness-based interventions. 

He is a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioural therapist who completed mindfulness teacher training at the University of Bangor. He currently works part time in Health in Mind, the primary care well-being service that serves East Sussex. He uses mindfulness in his clinical work, supervises other mindfulness teachers and is involved with a number of research projects concerning mindfulness-based interventions.

Faylee Kirk

Portrait of Faylee Kirk

Faylee is a Sussex Mindfulness Centre volunteer, providing support in communications. She is currently a second year psychology student studying at the University of Sussex. 

Her passion for mindfulness continues into her personal life where she regularly practices meditation and slow living. In the future she would like to become a trained mindfulness teacher. Alongside her mindfulness practices, she is beginning to get into yoga. 

Niki Larsen-Johnson

Niki Larson

Niki is the Administration Manager for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. She has worked for the NHS in various roles for over 25 years, and for the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for 15 years. She has a background in retail management. Niki provides managerial and administrative support to the Sussex Mindfulness Centre, supporting the smooth running of our courses, as well as overseeing the day to day work of the admin team.

Niki enjoys walking her rescue dog on the South Downs, and also follows Formula One attending races around the world. 

Rhianon Potter

Portrait photo of intern Rhianon Potter

Rhianon is one of the undergraduate placement students working at Sussex Mindfulness Centre as part of her BSc in Psychology at the University of Sussex.

Her support is mostly within the research and development department of the Centre, helping evaluate the effectiveness of the mindfulness courses that we provide to staff and service users. She also leads on the Centre’s X (formerly Twitter) account. Her knowledge of mindfulness stems from using tools from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (such as mindfulness journaling) to cope with anxiety and from taking part in an eight-week MBCT course for Sussex Partnership staff.

Julia Powell

Julia Powell

Julia supports the Sussex Mindfulness Centre with communications, and teaches mindfulness. She has a long track record leading communications and campaigns strategy in the international development, human rights and social justice sectors.

In this role for Sussex Mindfulness Centre, Julia marries her keen interest in mindfulness as a BAMBA registered mindfulness teacher, with her passion for strategic communications.

Hannah Rudd

Bio photo of Hannah Rudd

Hannah is part of the administration team at the Sussex Mindfulness Centre and provides support to the various mindfulness courses and teacher training programmes that run throughout the year. Hannah has worked for the NHS for over ten years and has been practicing mindfulness on a daily basis since completing the eight-week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) course for Sussex Partnership staff.

Coming from a research background with an MSc in Weight Management, she has a keen interest in following the latest health and wellbeing research.

Ruth Sequeira

Portrait of Ruth Sequeira

Ruth Sequeira is as senior trainer, supervisor and mindfulness teacher for the Sussex Mindfulness Centre. She is also a psychological therapist and the Mindfulness and Compassion Training and Retreat Lead at the Mindfulness Network. Ruth has a history of working in mental health services and until recently worked as a clinical lead in the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in Sussex. Ruth has a longstanding interest in mindfulness, meditation and movement, and is passionate about increasing access to mindfulness courses in different populations.

Sonia Swain

Photo of Sonia Swain.

Sonia is a volunteer working at the Sussex Mindfulness Centre supporting communications, following the completion of her MSc in Psychology at the University of Derby.

Her interest in mindfulness stems from being taught by monks at the Cambridge Buddhist centre, during a difficult time in her life. After completing her MSc in Psychology, Sonia studied cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and trauma informed care. Sonia uses both mindfulness and CBT for others and herself. Prior to studying psychology she has had various roles in administration. In her spare time she likes to do classical ballet.

Kate Webb

Kate Webb

Kate is the Project Manager at Sussex Mindfulness Centre responsible for operations and business development. She comes from a long career in the Third Sector, developing and managing community mental health projects and where she completed the eight-week MBSR course in 2009 and has practiced ever since. She is particularly interested in how Mindfulness Based Interventions can help create positive workplace cultures through focusing on wellbeing and looks forward to helping external organisations create bespoke programmes for their workforces. She is also a devotee of mindful sea swimming.