Compassion fatigue: Is it a thing?

Mindfulness teacher Annie Akasati McAuley shares her insights on the difference between empathy and compassion. She explores how empathy can be depleting, and how compassion is uplifting and has no downsides.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

This is an eight-week, self-directed, mindfulness course using Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s best-selling book Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, as the basis.

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

This is an eight-week, self-directed, mindfulness course using Mark Williams and Danny Penman’s best-selling book Mindfulness: Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, as the basis.

My transformation with mindful self-compassion

Indi, Quality Improvement Advisor for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, writes from the heart about her mindfulness journey and her more recent experience of Sussex Mindfulness Centre’s eight-week Mindful Self-Compassion …